Monday, January 22, 2007

Welcome to the EZ-Metrix® blog!

Dear EZ-Metrix friends,

Welcome to my brand new web log! I'm glad you are interested enough to visit and hopefully contribute to the discussion. The purpose of this blog is to discuss the EZ-Metrix product and related topics.

EZ-Metrix was conceived and developed and is owned by James Heires Consulting, Inc. You can read all about the product here or buy it here (you can also get a FREE evaluation license) !

EZ-Metrix is a web-based code counting utility for people who develop software professionally. Used by developers, consultants and managers alike, EZ-Metrix is instrumental when used as part of a software measurement program, or to simplify the job of the software project manager. Estimation and project tracking are both facilitated with software size measurements. EZ-Metrix helps answer the question: "How much software has been developed (or tested, verified, released)?"

If you are an EZ-Metrix user, please use this blog to discuss enhancements, observations or defects, since I will be monitoring this space for helpful feedback on the product. Please keep it clean and focused - this is a moderated blog, after all...

James T. Heires, PMP
James Heires Consulting, Inc.
Home of EZ-Metrix code counting utility
"Size matters after all"TM

EZ-Metrix® is a registered trademark of James Heires Consulting, Inc.